Remembering Dorothy Hall | Collection Stories


Dorothy Hall (1931-2013) was a significant local artist. The enchanting detail of her work garnered a dedicated group of supporters and a steady stream of commissions. 

Neighbour and friend for over twenty years, fellow artist Robyn Gergos remembers Dorothy as an artist whose work always had an environmental message:

‘Nature was Dorothy’s life. Her husband Max was a botanist and he was incredibly supportive of her arts practice - cleaning, cooking, and maintaining the gardens on their two acre property. The gardens were established after they moved to the property, with feature areas such as a cactus garden, edible garden and Australian native garden.  Their house was like a bird’s nest within this.  

Whatever Dorothy was doing in life was somehow related to her artwork. She had her drawing desk, full of paints and brushes, for example, set up under a skylight in an area between the kitchen and dining area. 

The process of her work was absolutely amazing. She could create a beautiful artwork from a single sprig taken from the garden. Mainly working in acrylic using a water colour technique, she always started with the subject first. I used to see her work regularly and watched the paintings come to life.’  

Summing up the compelling charm and distinction of Dorothy’s work Robyn notes: 

"You can’t see it all at a glance. I think every time you look at her work, you see something different."

Dorothy Hall at work in her studio. Photo courtesy of Robyn Gergos.

Dorothy Hall at work in her studio. Photo courtesy of Robyn Gergos.

Artwork: Dorothy Hall, Food and Medicine from the Rainforest, watercolour on paper. Fraser Coast Regional Council Fine Art Collection.

Dorothy Hall, Food and Medicine from the Rainforest, watercolour on paper. Fraser Coast Regional Council Fine Art Collection.