Workshop: Teach Your Craft with Alex Stalling
Learn how to develop and present your art practice as a creative workshop.
Teaching workshops is a useful way to add income to your arts practice, meet new people, stimulate your own creativity, and share your passion further afield.
In this workshop you’ll hear from visual artist and cultural practitioner, Alex Stalling on tips for how to develop and present your art practice as a creative workshop.
Alex will share the basics of planning, understanding your audience, developing content, budgeting, marketing and teaching.
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Artist Facilitator Biography:
Alex Stalling is an Australian visual artist & cultural practitioner based in Toowoomba Queensland. Exploring the representational through automatic painting, motifs and linework. Her career includes a professional arts practice, exhibitions, public art, committees, community activations, professional development & mentoring, gallery services, digital content creation, maker & product designer, event coordinator and business entrepreneur. She is the founder of Tinker (2018-present), Co-founder of Made Creative Space Toowoomba (2011-2013), founder Attic Art Space (2009-2010) and facilitates numerous community art & cultural events across the Darling Downs. Alex is a valued Flying Arts Facilitator who is experienced in sharing skills with communities in Queensland.
This event is funded by the Regional Arts Development Fund, a partnership between the Queensland Government and Fraser Coast Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.