Film Screening: Storm Boy
A free, all ages screening of the classic Australian film Storm Boy (1976)
Storm Boy (Greg Rowe, Blue Fin) lives with his recluse father, Tom (Peter Cummins, Return to Snowy River) on South Australia's lonely and beautiful coast. Here his free spirit roams with his pet pelican, Mr. Percival, and his secret Aboriginal friend, Fingerbone Bill (David Gulpilil, Cargo). He knows no other world. Suddenly there are intruders, the local school teacher who wants him to take lessons, a resentful wild-life ranger, duck shooters... Storm Boy, growing up is forced to choose between a life of continued isolation and the challenges of the outside world.
Dir. Henri Safran | 1976 | G Rated | 88 mins
Presented in conjunction with Fernando do Campo's To companion a companion, an exhibition that proposes humans as a companion species to birds.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that this film may contain images and voices of deceased persons.